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The Full Story


Ahuva was founded by myself, upon having officially qualified as a mobile Nail Technician in 2019. I found a particular keen interest within the health and well being of nails and skin. One of the main points I took out of my course is that there are a lot of people in the industry who do nails, especially nail enhancements, but only a handful actually care about their clients natural nails as well as the long term effects of the clients general health.


This is how my skin care range was birthed. Over a year I took time to research products that are the best value and quality, for the practical side of the business and for my clients. 

I then found that it is seemingly quite rare to see completely natural organic products being promoted on the larger scale platforms. 


This is when I heard the words of my Grandmother ringing in my head on many a wise word she would impart to me. Being that she was "the queen of Herbs, Botanical and Natural remedies"!

From that, I built on this new found passion , researched what would  benefit the nails and the skin for people of all colours, of all backgrounds and all professions, then cooked up the recipes you now see here today. ​


[AH-WHO-VAH] adj.
Dearly loved or Beloved in Hebrew.


As an individual I am a strong believer in using your resources and gifts to give back to a good cause and therefore chose to source products that would feed back into the economy of my motherland, Africa. 


Most of the Ahuva Products are currently made of products sourced from either parts of Africa, Asia or South America, mainly third world countries, and so by buying with us, you will not only be supporting a local business but also supporting Fair Trade and Sustainability in third world countries across the globe. We also promise to give 10% of all profits into our chosen charity Mission.


Our vision in the long term is to be able to educate, upskill and build up as many communities as possible in 3rd world Countries & Villages. Raising up Farmers and manufacturers who can independently generate an above liveable income and bring change to their family and community.

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